Sucker Rod Pump and How it Works

This time we will get acquainted with the Sucker Rod Pump (SRP). Why is bobbing pump? because it works nodding up and down. Bobbing pumps have been widely used in the US since World War II as a means of lifting the liquid.

In the oil and gas industry, these pumps are one of the tools used to raise oil from the well to the surface of the ground. This method is used to pump the wells that have been lackluster, meaning wells that already does not have enough pressure to raise or drain the oil up to the surface.

Sucker rod pump at oil well
Oil Well Pump
In general, a sucker rod pump is used to remove fluid (oil) from the low production capacity of the well. Depending on the size of these pumps generate 5-40 liters of fluid at each step. Pump size is also determined by the depth and weight of the oil to be moved or inhaled. These pumps use rotating mechanism motor to drive the pump shaft which is then forwarded to the translational motion and move the pump shaft into motion then nodded. The term for this type of technique is the walking beam mechanism.

The pump is powered by a prime movers. Which is usually an electric motor, but at a remote location without access to electricity is usually used diesel generators. In certain areas the engine is placed in a special place to protect from rain and heat.

The Main Component of Sucker Rod Pump

Each equipment industry certainly has major components along with their respective functions. Likewise with the sucker rod pump, specifically for this article will discuss the main components making up a sucker rod pump. Here is the main component of a sucker rod pump along with the function:

1. Prime Mover
A prime mover to drive the pumping unit.

2. Crank Arm
Hole of the crank into the seat of the pitman who will then convert the rotation into straight motion.

3. Gear Reducer
Its function is to continue on the prime mover by reducing the speed of rotation that is suitable for the pumping conditions.

4. Crank Arm
Hole of the crank into the seat of the next pithman will convert rotation into straight motion.

5. Walking Beam
This section serves to bring the pump, move it up and down, approximately 45 degrees or 1/8 circle.

6. Pitman
Is the liaison between the crank arm with a walking beam. Pitman connection to the crank shaft also serves as a regulator of the pump stride length.

7. Stuffing Box
As a safety net so that when the polish rod moves up, the oil does not go up and out (spurts), so that the flow can be directed to flow through the tee line.

8. Horse head
has a 1/8 circle shape and has other components that bridle and carrier bar.

9. Polished Rod.
a handlebar liaison between the soil surface pumping units with circuit pump is inside the well.

How it Works Sucker Rod Pump

Prime movers (prime mover) is in the header of the transmission then passed to a pair of crank, usually with counterweights. Then converted into motion up and down the arm pit. then forwarded to the walking beam, at the end of the walking beam horse head there (because of its shape similar to a horse's head).

At the bottom of the horse's head, there is a cable (bridle), is typically made of steel or fiberglass. Bridle is connected to the polished rod, then polished fastened to the piston rod that passes through tubing (a pipe that extends to the bottom of the well through the fluid is sucked). Piston is the one that serves to suck fluid from the basement toward the top of the mechanism - the mechanism mentioned above.

Bottom of tubing are down-hole pump. The pump consists of two valves, valve stationary below also called "standing valve", and a valve on the piston is connected to the bottom of moving up and down, known as the traveling valve.

At the bottom of the well fluid entering through the perforations that have been made through the casing (casing is larger pipes that are embedded in the well). When the piston moves up the traveling valve will be closed and the standing valve open. Due to the decrease in pressure within the barrel, so that the fluid entrance and the fluid piston lift up. When the piston starts moving downwards, traveling valve open and standing valve is closed due to an increase in pressure in the pump barrel. Then the piston reaches the end of the above steps and back again, this process continue running.

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